
You've come upon Dreamchaser, the Listed Fanlisting for Sarah Brightman. Sarah has a beautiful voice and I first became a fan of hers when I heard her as Christine in The Phantom of the Opera. Are you a Sarah Brightman fan too? Then be sure to join! This fanlisting is owned by yours truly, Jennifer.

Thank you so much to Mal, for her beautiful layout!

The fanlisting was last updated on 18th September 2024. We currently have 14 listed fans, with 0 in line to be added on my next update. Welcome, Miranda

Edge of Seventeen | The Fanlistings Network

This site is all fan based. I don't know Sarah Brightman or own any images used in the making of this site. If you have any concerns, feel free to write me. The title of the fanlisting, Dreamchaser, was conceived by Mal.

(c) Jennifer's Place